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International Student Programs

How Do I? Workshops

Additional workshops addressing specific academic topics that are catered to international students. These workshops will occur in person on Thursdays from 12:30 to 1:15pm in Fell Hall Room 212.  The workshops will cover topics such as citing sources, avoiding plagiarism, and more. The Spring 2025 semester schedule is listed below. Snacks provided.QR Codes

Dates Topic
February 6/7 How do I narrow a topic into a thesis or research question?
February 13/14 How do I identify reliable sources for my research paper?
February 20/21 How do I read and analyze research articles?
February 27 How do I create an annotated bibliography (summary, analysis, response)?
March 6 How do I summarize, paraphrase, & quote correctly & avoid plagiarism 
  Spring Break
March 20 How do my team and I succeed in completing group projects?
March 27 How do I write a useful and effective outline?
April 3 How do I format an APA-style paper?
April 10 How do I write a strong literature review?
April 17 How do I polish my draft using editing and proofreading strategies?
April 24 How do I plan and prepare for final exams and projects?
April 28+ Individual Appointments in Study Corner Before Exam Week


Coffee and Community

The Illinois State Univeristy Police Department (ISUPD) and I-House have put together a series of programs designed to allow students to ask questions about important safety topics and get to know members of the ISUPD team.  



Location Topic
January 25              

2:00 to 3:00pm

OIE Lobby,
2nd Floor
Fell Hall
Avoiding Scams
February 27                 2:00 to 3:00pm OIE Lobby,
2nd Floor
Fell Hall
Safety Tips
April 19

12:00 to 1:00pm

OIE Lobby,
2nd Floor
Fell Hall

Navigating Conflicts


Conversations Café

Come join us to practice your English skills and make lasting friendships while enjoying some coffee, tea, snacks, and playing board games.  All are welcome!

Date Time Location
January 31 12:00 to 1:00pm Fell 2nd Floor Lobby
February 21 12:00 to 1:00pm Fell 2nd Floor Lobby
March 28 12:00 to 1:00pm Fell 2nd Floor Lobby
April 25 12:00 to 1:00pm Fell 2nd Floor Lobby


I-House Featured Programs

The I-House Team hosts a number of fun and engaging events throughout the semester to provide international students with information on important programs and services offered by the OIE and other departments and units around campus.  All international students are highly encouraged to attend these events to learn how to make the most of their journey at Illinois State University.



Location Topic
February 4              

12:00 to 1:00pm

OIE Lobby,
2nd Floor
Fell Hall
Optional Practical Training
Presented by the ISSS Team
February 12                 12:00 to 1:00pm OIE Lobby,
2nd Floor
Fell Hall
How To Search For Scholarships
Presented by Financial Aid/I-House Team
April 9 12:00 to 1:00pm OIE Lobby,
2nd Floor
Fell Hall
Navigating Curricular Practical Training
Presented by the ISSS Team
May 2

12:00 to 2:30pm

OIE Lobby,
2nd Floor
Fell Hall
Spring 2025 Farewell Lunch
Hosted by the I-House Team


I-House Trips

Join us for exciting day-trips outside of Bloomington-Normal!  These trips are designed to allow international students to explore different sites and cities of social, cutlural, or historic interest and share in these experinences with other students.  There is a cost to attend each event and you must register ahead of time through our Touchnet site.





March 1              

7:00am to 9:30pm

St. Louis Trip

We will visit the City Museum, the Galleria Mall, and the St. Louis Arch.

March 29

8:30am to 5:30pm

Springfield Trip

We will visit the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, the Illinois State Capitol Building, and the Lincoln Tomb.

April 26

8:30am to 5:30pm

Starved Rock Trip We will spend the day exploring Starved Rock State Park in Oglesby, IL.