In accordance with the International Strategic Plan and University Strategic Plan, Illinois State University is in the process of developing campuswide global learning goals to help the institution achieve comprehensive campus internationalization.
This is an exciting time of growth and change for the Illinois State community, as we seek to prepare students to be competent and competitive actors in a globally connected society. Comprehensive campus internationalization goes far beyond study-abroad trips and international student recruitment. It includes the expansion of internationally-oriented courses, campuswide programs, student organizations, student services, civic engagement opportunities, and other activities at our home campus and affiliated locations.
The Office of International Engagement (OIE) has been tasked with carrying out this comprehensive campus internationalization through the development of partnerships, pathways, and programs that emphasize the importance of international education and the benefits of social, cultural, and linguistic knowledge beyond what is represented in our home community. While coordinated by the OIE, these programs and initiatives are a collaborative effort by many individual actors and groups from departments and offices throughout the institution and highlight the overarching commitment to making internationalization an institutional priority.
Internationalization Resources
International Strategic Plan
In 2014, Illinois State University released its first comprehensive International Strategic Plan.
A committee of faculty and staff members was charged with analyzing practices and efforts already in place at the institution and making recommendations to guide future efforts for embedding global issues into the curriculum and culture of Illinois State.
Illinois State has been making strides toward becoming a global campus for years. Longstanding relationships with universities abroad have been maintained thanks to the efforts of faculty, administration, and students from many different campuses across the globe, as well as the support of the Office of International Engagement.
The International Strategic Plan reaffirms Illinois State University's commitment to provide graduating students with a globally conscious and competitive education, and seeks to create a lasting foundation for the development of global and cultural programs and partnerships for years to come.
International Education Week
International Education Week (IEW) is an annual event sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education which seeks to celebrate the benefits of international education and worldwide student and scholar exchange. It is part of the joint efforts of these two departments to promote programs that prepare Americans for a global environment and attract future leaders from abroad to study, learn, and exchange experiences.
While IEW is celebrated nationally during the third week in November, Illinois State University hosts its International Education Week celebration in October or November to coincide with Study Abroad Fair and International Gala Night, as well as recruitment for international and cultural registered student organizations. IEW also celebrates the internationalization and diversity of Illinois State University by highlighting events, programs, and courses that enhance the globalization of the ISU campus and community.